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COLUMN-OPEN LINESHAFT (Vertical Turbine Pumps)
Assemble open line shaft column Of The vertical turbine pumpas follows.
Determine the correct sequence of installation of the column sections.Refer to the Installation Plan. The top and bottom sections may bespeclal lengths and the top section has welded lugs approximatelytwo feet from the top end.
Secure a friction clamp immediately beneath the column coupling (ifcolumn is flanged, secure the clamp about 6” below the bottom of theflange) on the first section of column to be installed. See FIGURE 13.
Screw a shaft coupling onto the upper end of the shaft to protect theshaft threads and face while sliding it into the column pipe (on smallercolumn sizes where there is not enough clearance to allow removal ofthe shaft coupling after the shaft is in the pipe, wrap a rag around theend of the shaft). Slide the shaft into the column pipe until it pro-trudes approximately 12’ past the bottom end of the pipe. Removethe coupling (or rag)installed above. Make certain that shaft sleeve,if furnished, is toward the upper end of the pipe. Tie a series of halfhitches to the column pipe and to the shaft with a 3/4" rope, so as toprevent the shaft from sliding out of the column pipe when the assembly is hoisted to the vertical position.
Attach a sling to the clamp ears. See FlGURE13. Screw a shaftcoupling onto the lower end of the shaft to protect the shaft face andthreads in case the shaft slips during handling.
Hoist the column assembly to the vertical position taking care not tostrain the shaft or damage the shaft or pipe threads. The shaft shouldbe supported by hand or with a pipe wrench to prevent it from slip-ping. Before centering the column assembly over the bowl, tap theside of the column pipe to remove any loose matter.
Swing the column assembly over the bowl, remove the extra shaftcoupling from the lower end of the shaft being installed, align theshafts, remove the rag from the shaft coupling on the bowl and lowerthe column assembly until the shaft contacts the coupling, thenremove the rope. Hold the coupling and turn the shaft by hand (lefthand threads) until the shaft ends butt. DO NOT FORCE THE SHAFTINTO THE COUPLiNG. if the shaft will not screw into the coupling byhand, the threads are either damaged or dirty or the shafts are notproperly aligned. This problem must be corrected before proceed-ing. Place one pipe wrench on the coupling and one on the top pieceshaft and tighten. Both wrenches should be handled by one man sothat the push on one wrench will be balanced by the pull on the otherwrench. See FlGURE 14. The shafts should show equal amounts ofthreads above and below the coupling, indicating that the shaft buttis centered in the coupling. Remove any wrench marks from the shaftand the coupling with a flat file and emery cloth. cover the openingwith a rag to prevent the metal filings from falling on bearings below.
If the bowl to column connection is threaded, apply thread compoundto the bowl (pipe coupling on subsequent sections) assembly threadsand butt face and to the pipe threads. Lower the column (makingcertain that on combination type couplings with integral spiders theshaft feeds smoothly through the bearing in the spider) until thecolumn engages the bowl adapter. Using chain tongs, tighten the pipeinto the bowl while slowly lowering the derrick hoist. Tighten the pipeinto the bowl so that it seats securely against the mating shoulder inthe bowl. See FIGURE14.
If the bowl to column connection is flanged, spread a thin even film ofthread compound on the bowl discharge flange. Lower the pipe, alignthe studs in the bowl with the holes in flanges, seat the column flangeagainst the bowl flange and then install and tighten the hex nuts even-ly. lf a lubrication line is being installed, secure the line to the columnpipe just above the column pipe joint.
Hoist the unit slightly, remove the bowl clamp and slide the settingbeams out enough to allow passage of the unit.
If the bowl and column are coated with any speclal application, anyrequired touch up work should be done before lowering the unit.
Lower the unit, slide the setting beams in close to the column and con-tinue lowering the unit until the clamp ears rest on the setting beams.Remove the sling. lf an alrline is being installed, be careful not tocrush or otherwise damage it as the unit is being lowered.
If a separate spider is used, clean the flange recess and the spider ring0.D. and faces thoroughly, slip the spider over the shaft and seat itin the flange recess or coupling l.D. Since threaded compound driesfairly quickly, wait until the next column section is in the vertical posi-tion and the shaft connection is made, then apply thread compound toboth flange faces or coupling l.D. and to the butt faces of the spider.
Check that the shaft sleeve is approximately centered in the bearing.Move the shaft around slightly so as to center it in its bearing. Only a slight amount of force should be required. if an excessive amount offorce is required the pipe or shaft may not be butted properly or theshaft may be bent. In any case, the trouble must be corrected prior toproceeding further.
Remove the exposed shaft coupling, clean the coupling threads andthe shaft threads and face thoroughly. Thread the coupling on forhalf its length. Cover the coupling with a rag to prevent entrance offoreign matter.
Repeat the above outlined procedure for each additional sectionof column until all of the column has been assembled. Two weldedlugs are provided on the 0.D.of the top section of column pipe. Thefriction clamp should be installed immediately under these lugs.Clean the top column flange face (or end of pipe if head connection isthreaded) and the shaft projection thoroughly. Do not assemble theshaft coupling to the top piece of shaft.
Assemble enclosed line shaft column Of The vertical turbine pump as follows.
Determine the correct sequence of installation of the column sections.The top section of column has welded lugs approximately two feetfrom the top end. The top special tubing is tagged for identificationby the factory. if this tag is lost, the top special tubing can still beidentified by the smooth O.D. and chamfer on one end. This end alsohas longer threads inside the tube.
Secure a friction clamp immediately beneath the coupling on the firstsection of column to be installed. if the column is flanged, secure theclamp about 6” below the bottom of the flange. See FIGURE 15.
If the protective rubber cap has been removed from the end of thetubing to be inserted in the pipe, reinstall it. Slide the tubing andshaft assembly into the lower end of the pipe, allowing the tubing toprotrude about 15" past the lower end of the column plpe and allow-ing the shaft to protrude about g” past the end of the tubing. SeeFlGURE 16. if the tubing is 5” or larger, ensure that the end with themachined section goes toward the top. Tie a serles of half hitches tothe plpe tubing and shaft with a 3/4* rope so as to prevent the shaftand tubing from sliding out of the pipe when the assembly is hoistedto the vertical position. Attach a sling to the clamp ears. See FlGURE16.
Hoist the column to the vertical position taking care not to strain ordamage the shaft. The shaft and tubing should be supported by handor with two pipe wrenches to prevent slippage. Before centering thecolumn over the bowl, tap the side of the column to remove any loosematter from the pipe.
Lower the assembly until the tubing contacts the main bearing box(line shaft bearing on subsequent sections) and then remove the rope.Apply a small amount of thread compound to the outside diameterof the exposed bearing threads. Place one pipe wrench on the mainbearing box shoulder (place wrench on lower plece of tubing onsucceeding column joints) and the second wrench on the tubing andtighten firmly. if the tubing is coated with any special application,any touch up required resulting from using the pipe wrench should bedone now.
After each plece of column has been lowered and is resting on thesetting beams, remove the exposed line shaft bearing, pour oll intothe tubing and reinstall the bearing. This is not necessary if the unit isto be force water lubricated. The amount of oil to be poured is givenin the table.
If the column is threaded and utilizes sleeve construction (steelcoupling and separate rubber spider), clean the tubing 0.D., slip thespider over the tubing, and force it approximately 2” into the pipe.The spiders should be located approximately 20’ from the bowl andfrom the head and at 40* intervals along the tubing. The spidersshould fit snugly in the column pipe or on the tubing (or both places)otherwise they will slide to the bottom of the well. lf the column isflanged, clean the flange recess and O.D. with a file to remove anyforeign matter, nicks and burrs. Since thread compound dries fairlyquickly, wait until the next column section is in the vertical positionand the tubing connection has been made before applying to columncoupling threads or flange faces if fabricated column is used.
Repeat the procedure outlined above for each additional section ofcolumn until all of the column has been assembled.
Special precautions for sleeve type column.
Because of the tendency of the threads to gall when steel pipe isscrewed into steel couplings, the following special precautions shouldbe taken when assembling sleeve column.
• inspect and thoroughly clean the coupling threads (on thesection set in the well) and repair any dam-aged threads asrequired, Liberally coat the threads with anti-seize com-pound (NOT thread compound).
• Before centering the column assembly over the installationopening, clean, inspect and repair any damaged threads.
• Recheck pipe threads for cleanliness or damage after pipeis hoisted to vertical position and then apply a liberal coat ofanti-seize compound to the threads.
• When lowering the pipe into the coupling, do not backthread the pipe.
• Align the coupling and pipe threads using a straight edgeabout 3 to 4 feet long. Lay the straight edge verticallyagainst the coupling 0.D. Align the pipe so that the distancebetween the pipe and the straight edge is equal along thefull length of the straight edge in two positions 90° apart(i.e. until the pipe is parallel to the straight edge).
• Carefully screw the pipe into the coupling as far as pos-sible by hand. Do not use a power driven mechanism to spinthe connection together. if at any time the threads are sus-pected of galling, unscrew the pipe and inspect, clean andrepair as necessary the pipe and coupling threads. Apply afresh coat of anti-seize compound and repeat the above as-sembly procedure exercising special care in aligning the pipewith the coupling.
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